Vaccinations, first drafts and other shots in the arm
Well, I got the shot.
Three weeks ago I was lucky enough as a patient-facing healthcare worker to get the J&J jab. Honestly, the four-hour queue was the worst part! The jab itself wasn't too painful and apart from some tenderness in my arm, I was lucky enough to have no side effects. We're all so sick of the covid hamster-wheel of sameness that I hope and pray we get back to some semblance of a richer, fuller and happier life soon!
I can't complain too much - I've been able to work remotely and at home, but man, I'm ready to get out and travel and hug some people. How about you?
I finished a first, verrrry rough draft of my book one in my new YA series, so that's at least some progress on the writing front. THe next few months will be busy-busy getting the revisions and edits done.
Then I'll move on to my next project - book 4 in Garnet McGee series that started with The First Time I Died.
No rest for the weary or the wicked!
Stay safe, healthy and fabulour, and always keep reading!